Sunday, 16 December 2007

i'll never give up

Salam alikom wa rahmat allah wa barakatoooo

Caz every day and every night pass on me in last period ,

I was in a very bad nightmare,

I don’t

know what should I say

or how could I describe it

or how mach was it

I don’t know really how I let myself in it.

Really now,

in this time and in this hour ;

I feel that it is the end of that nightmare ,

and it is the beginning of my new life,

better one with all my hopes ,

with all my dreams,

with all my best feelings,

with my friends who I love..

Really it is the begining of my return to my world,

I know it maybe late or it sure late…


I will never give up.

I 'll never leave her ,

I'll never leave rooma live away from real maryam…

Rooma who is most social ,

who is ambtious ,

full with dreams and wises,

who is closser to her god Allah,

who can treat every one how he worth…


who was in last night crying from pain

from the hard shock from life…

rooma who

was with a stone heart in last time.

But now…

Rooma is again here with her golden brillent

, pure , beautifull life..

I' ll soon be here

No later ,no in past but it is now.

I promised my self ,every one, all the world

that I' ll be better how much I can

So remember in ur heart


one day I said these worlds

Don’t give up about what I want

There is no time for crying

If I good I'll keep on


if I'am not I 'll find the way for the good

And I'll never miss it

and if I miss it at the first time

I'll never give up.

To be Closser to perfection

I still in my way with my light

to my end which I wanna to be,

I thanks u my god Allah alot in different ways,

for every thing.

I still looking for my closser to perfection,

In my dark I look for the light which will lead me to my right way,

Up and down in a curve

My great, my glory in my history will come back again.

My dreams always on my eyes

so I'll reach my goals

how far are they

or how difficult to reach it

but I'll reach them.

What should I do when I'm in the half way…

Remind myself that One day all my dreams will be true

I promised myself, I promised the world

In mid night hour,,, waiting for light

To be all my means true

And it will be caz I never give up. :)

That all what I can say now…

I hope u allah to forgive me

and supply me with the power of eman and

don’t let me alone caz


always with me.

Thanks allah

Written by rooma
9:41 am
Friday 14/12/2007


Unknown said...

Don't give up
Enjoy ur real life
Don't let dreams take u away to a world where u won't come back
Help ur self
Help others
& enjoy what u r doin'
Never to give up :)

NOONA بنت الإسلام said...

اسنمري ياررووما
بجد انا فرحانه اوي بيكي
وباذن الله ربنا معاكي ثم انا هاقف جنبك علي طول ياحب رووما لقلبي

توكلي علي الله واستعيني بالله
وخليكي فاكره الكلام ده كويس اوي
لاني يوم مالاقيكي مابقيتيش متحمسه او حزينه
هاقيم عليكي الحد واقولك فاكره اللي كتبتيه ياحبي
في رعاية الله