Monday, 25 May 2009

who is the monister baaaabbbb???!!!,,,,

salam alikom

who is the monister baaaabbbb???!!!,,,,

Since many past centuries ,,,
we heard alot about bein' called monsters ,strangers, ,distored creatures, ghosts and even unknown identity organisms

منذ العديد من القرون سمعنا كثيرا عن وجود يسمى بالوحوش, الغرباء , مخلوقات مشوهة ,اشباح حتى عن كائنات غير معلومة الهوية

we heard about the end of the world...the earth and it's bottom content...the space and it's unknown bein' and it's secrets
really how amazing our god "ALLAH" did create every thing and we are just a nation and people like other alot in this wolrd..for real true...we dont even know is this just world or it's a cycle of world and other alot.

سمعنا عن نهاية العالم...الارض بمحتوياتها بالقاع...الفضاء الخارجي وكيانه المجهول واسراره
حقا كم عظيم انت ياربي "يا الله" خلقت كل شئ ونحن مجرد امة من امم واناس وشعب مثل اخرين كثر في هذا العالم
وللحقيقة الواقعية...نحن حتى لا نعلم هل هذا مجرد عالم ام هو حلقة في عالم مثل العديد من الحلقات

how great u are ya allah.....sob7an allah.

حقا كم انت عظيم يا ربي...سبحان الله

my qes now and i did think about it yesterday and before yesterday so much... caz i just heard it in a movie
she said to him: look at the mirror and u will see the one who u look for.

سؤالي الآن وقد شغل تفكيري كثيرا بالامس وقبل امس ايضا ...فقط لاني سمعت جملة في فيلم يعرض
هي تقول لهو: انظر الى المرآة وسترى من تبحث عنه

ok...who is the monster???
we think that we are afraid of facing that anther world

what about them??? aren't they too??? in this life before "youm el-qyama"
who is the monster and what's it's real???!!! i just wonder.

حسنا...من هو الوحش الآن؟؟؟
استحوذ على تفكيرنا اننا نخاف مواجهة العالم الاخر بما فيه وبما يتكون
ماذا عنهم؟؟؟ اليس هم ايضا يخافون مواجهتنا في هذه الحياة قبل النهاية وقبل "يوم القايمة"
من هو الوحش وما هي حقيقته؟؟؟ فقط كنت افكر واتحير عن هذا الجزء من الواقع

new notification i have to share it

salam alikom

new notification i have to share it ,,,
the headline and the tittle of the blogga has been changed form
"my life box -"
" hlfta هلفـــطة -"

the link will be changed soon isa

Sunday, 24 May 2009

OMG...emotion try as hard as he can to smile

salam alikom's so far since the last time i did write here in ma blog
alot of things had been happened..many issues decided to have
to participate even movies and tv shows there are alot of things
pasted with the wind...of course they were so lovely and deeply ousum
but time is time...emotion smile as hard as he can.

really am sorry for lating in replin' at the tag eng.tarq
and sorry for not visitin' the authors who did make comment's here in the blog
and sorry for disappearin' suddenly for along time from the bloggin'
and she said sorry 3 times...emotion -_-

ok...first before replyin' at the tag isa will say my last news:

-isa soon i'll finish my exams with the subjects i had.
- i have 3 friend birthday in june i have to buy for them 3 gifts and share intheir birthday party
OMG i'll be a poor girl this month..emotion dripl.
-isa i have alot of plans to the vacation mainly SHD team T.O.T. isa
and our collage trainin' and isa nama get accepted in it.
-on net isa will throw in the crush everything old and try to make a new thing isa. not rememberin now what new but isa every thing good will happen soon.

good luck for all and isa the next post will be the tag