Monday, 25 May 2009

new notification i have to share it

salam alikom

new notification i have to share it ,,,
the headline and the tittle of the blogga has been changed form
"my life box -"
" hlfta هلفـــطة -"

the link will be changed soon isa


عمك ياض said...

vet rooma !!!!!!!

welcome back 1!!!!!!!

ana fakart 7adretek hagerty l blogspot :(

mabrook 3la l blog l gdeda wisA teb2a blog gamda awy

btw l cbox bayza

Maryama Qandil said...

thnx alot eng.tarek
ana msh hagrt el-tdween 5ales ana bss kant el-zroof msh motzabta we finally back thnx allah

cbox msh bazya...23ml refresh lel-page hatla2eh sh3'al kowaes :d

thnx for ur wishin' and ur visit